You live in your skin. So you might as well love it…

Hi! My name is Yastika Singh. I am a high schooler from New Jersey. I suffered from eczema for many years, and it was especially bad in middle school. I was always self-conscious, covering up my arms and legs even in the summer. I tried everything: oatmeal baths, topical steroids, and even wearing oven mitts to sleep to stop myself from scratching. In seventh grade I got an eye infection from open wounds around my eyes.

That was the turning point. I had to figure out a way to fix my eczema and my comfortability in my skin. I went to see an Ayurvedic doctor in New York City and everything changed. I eliminated many foods from my diet, took herbal supplements, and most importantly, learned to cope with stress.

Soon, my eczema began to clear and my mind did too. I developed healthy eating habits such as eating regular meals to avoid acidity. From time to time, when I got a flareup I used some topical steroids. Soon, I stopped having to do that. I used and continue to use scentless soap to soothe my skin.

I have consistently added foods back into my diet and I have learned to love my skin even when I do get an occasional flare up. I learned so many things from this experience. One is that you have to love your skin before you expect it to heal. The second is that integration of medical fields worked for me. I used Ayurveda and allopathic medicine to cure my eczema and I believe that integrating disciplines of medicine can offer a customizable treatment to many people.

My goal is to expose people to the many different disciplines of medicine they may not have heard about before, like Ayurveda, so they can make an informed decision about their treatment. Finally, I learned that your mind affects your skin just as much as your diet or environment does. Win in Your Skin provides you with diverse information about different skin treatments, skin care tips, and even tips for the mind to cope with body image and skin image issues. Here you’ll find a community of people helping each other overcome the barriers to being comfortable in their skin. We have videos, articles, podcasts, and a community of support. My mission is to help you win in your skin because you deserve it!