Food Is Fuel
When I first started my Ayurveda treatment for my eczema, I was definitely skeptical. I was told I had to give up a lot of my favorite foods temporarily, such as peanut butter. It was really hard to let go of Reeses’ Cups but I took a step back and began to understand the process. My doctor wanted me to cut certain eczema-triggering foods out temporarily to determine which ones were causing my flare ups. While it felt unfair that I could not eat certain things, I really wanted to find the causes of my eczema and fix them. I cut foods like nuts, raw vegetables, eggplants, and very sugary or spicy foods. Combined with my herbal supplements and skin care routine, I started to see dramatic improvements in my skin. And the best news? Slowly, over the years, I have reintroduced these foods back into my life. I built up a tolerance, starting small with just a bite of Reeses’ to eventually the whole cup! I also have a much healthier diet now because I understand the effects of certain foods on my body. It has made me happier and healthier. Patience and understanding your treatment are critical on this journey!